Austin had a very tough first 6 months of life. He was extremely fussy, took in tons of air while nursing and finally started to refuse the breast. I used to have to swaddle him and rock back and forth while standing to get him to eat at all. It was heartbreaking. When it came time for solids at 6 months he would gag and vomit, he couldn't use his tongue to swallow. He would only sleep swaddled too. It took 6 months of questioning the pediatrician, taking him to the chiropractor and other doctors before we finally figured out he had a PTT and a lip tie. He was revised by a PP at 6 months old. There was immediate relief and he slept that night without a swaddle for the first time in months. Those first couple weeks were difficult, the stretches were a nightmare, every feeding was different. Sometimes he ate well and other times I questioned if he had improved at all. Between the second and third week things got a lot better. He was eating and sleeping well and I quit the stretches after 15 days. He was also able to eat solids without vomiting! By 4 weeks post revision many on the symptoms had returned. I went back to the PP to find out that his tongue had reattached. So at 7 months old he had his second revision. I was much more diligent with the stretches that time. We are now 2 months out from his second revision and he is doing wonderfully!! He is so happy, relaxed while eating, sleeps better and is putting on some weight. My only regret is that we weren't able to figure out sooner what was causing all his problems. He still goes weekly to the chiropractor just as a precaution. To all you Mama's still in the trenches, I know it is tough, I know the heartbreak, I know the roller coaster of emotions. It can and will get better. Stay strong!!
~ Alicia Rice
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