I am now 6 hours post revision and the differences I'm feeling are already showing and surprising me! Those of you on the fence with revision your little ones because the doctor says it's "minor" and you might not see much improvement.. don't listen. Tied is tied, the symptoms are what matter. The doctor said mine was minor and I wouldn't see much change in elevation although looking at the before and after I can see significant difference and as the last 6 hours have gone, I seem to be gaining more and more extension and elevation as things loosen up. My revision was not quite complete as he felt my blood vessels were too close to the surface and he didn't want to risk hitting them, but even with that, the revision was 100% worth it (this was a preferred provider).
I can breathe easier (and I never even thought I was restricted before!)
My jaw is looser and more forward.
The tension in my jaw and neck are gone as is the slight headache I've had all week.
And I haven't once yet caught myself clenching my jaw which is something I normally catch myself doing on an hourly basis.
The procedure itself was simple. It didn't hurt even remotely and I took one Tylenol immediately after my procedure. It is sore but not painful. I'd say overall it just feels weird. My tongue and jaw feel like they have been pulled forward quite a bit and drinking water is interesting lol!
UPDATE - 16 hours post. I took a Tylenol before bed 8 hours ago because my tongue felt a bit stiff.
The night went well, I feel like I slept deeper and my tongue definitely made more contact with the roof of my mouth. Hubby says I didn't snore!!
Pain wise I feel great!! The wound itself does not hurt at all. Little sensitive if I touch it but moving my tongue and stretches do not cause any pain at the wound. The slight discomfort I am feeling is towards the back of my tongue. The best way to describe it would be when you work out really hard and then your muscles are sore and stiff whenever you move. I'm assuming this is from using muscles in my tongue that aren't use to moving so now they are getting stiff as they get exercise.
I had a bit of reattachment over night.. you can see the red spots where I broke it up. I think I'll add in a night time stretch.
Still going great. That stiff muscle feeling has largely resolved and the only discomfort is now a bring sting feeling while doing the sweeps. Other wise I feel great. My jaw feels incredibly better. Headache still gone and still no teeth clenching!
I'm on day 8 now. The white scab is starting to disappear and nice pink flesh is under neath.
Days 5 and 6 HURT... I accidently scratched myself with my fork(not sure how lol) and it lifted up part of the scab on the right.. my entire right side of my tongue and jaw HURT with every movement lol..
Day 7 was back to normal.
I am still doing stretches.. I do them about every hour. Just lift my tongue all the way up and touch all 4 molars and then try to tough my nose with my tongue. And then every 5 or so hours I do sweeps.. I've found my teeth make it hard to do sweeps side to side and have actually found small circular massaging seems to work better at breaking up and strands of reattachment and actually stings less.
I slept weird last night so my neck is sore but I'm still not clenching my jaw and feel soo much better. Hubby has commented on my improved posture as well!
Day 12? I think.. lol
Still great. Last couple days have felt a bit tight.. I believe that's from the scar tissue so I'm stretching and moving often..
Pain has been completely gone since about day 9/10 unless I push too hard doing stretches..
2 weeks post. No chance since last update 😅 healing perfectly. Still doing stretches and massages.
~ Jocelyn McKervey
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